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Wednesday, October 20

From Project21: NAACP Fails to Disappoint with the Failure of Its Latest Tea Party Attack

National Center for Public Policy Research press release
For Release: October 20, 2010

Contact: David Almasi at (202) 543-4110 x11 or or (703) 568-4727 or or Judy Kent at (703) 759-7476 or

Washington, D.C. – As expected, the new report that the NAACP is touting as proof of the radicalism of the tea party movement is rife with innuendo, hearsay and conjecture. Members of the Project 21 black leadership network are highly critical of a study obviously devised with pre-ordained conclusions and crafted to be a weapon to bring disrepute upon grassroots activism against the liberal big-government policies of the Obama White House and the current congressional leadership.

"Looking at the research that comprises this report, I find it interesting that it appears not a single leader of the mentioned tea party groups was asked for its background,” noted Project 21 member Coby Dillard, a co-founder of the Hampton Roads Tea Party in Virginia. “Had this research been conducted, the facts would show that two of the mentioned groups are simply capitalizing from the tea party movement and that two others are for-profit enterprises. I fail to see, just as I did this summer when their resolution was voted on, how this report ‘advances’ black Americans or those of any color. The longer the NAACP stays on this path, the more they show themselves unable to provide solutions to the issues most Americans care about."

In his introduction to “Tea Party Nationalism,” which was created by the little-known Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights and is being distributed by the NAACP, NAACP president Benjamin Todd Jealous says the report “exposes the links between certain Tea Party factions and acknowledged racist hate groups in the United States.” The first direct allegation of such raicalism made by Jealous, however, is the still-unconfirmed report that a racial epithet was used against Representative John Lewis (D-GA) during the health care debate last March.

In further examples of the report’s ideological agenda, it says the slogan “take our country back” — which has been used in various forms by liberals such as former presidential candidate Howard Dean, current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Nation magazine editor Katrina vanden Heuvel — is “explicitly nationalist” when used by tea party activists. As for tenuous linkages in the report, Tea Party Express is tied to the John Birch Society simply because they both played roles in the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference (as did the homosexual rights group GOProud, but that was not mentioned). The report also tries to tie the Tea Party Express to Dale Robertson — who was repudiated by tea party organizations long ago — by reporting “Dale Robertson noted that members of his group traveled to Nevada for the kickoff rallies of the third Tea Party Express” (the event was open to the public).

“This is gotcha politics, plain and simple. They are using tall tales and hearsay to obscure real concern about the state of our nation. I've read fairy tales with more credibility,” said Project 21 chairman Mychal Massie, who has spoken at many tea party events. “To drop down to their level, one could cite former NAACP executive director Ben Chavis as a link between the NAACP and the racial extremism of the Nation of Islam. The same could be done regarding IREHR board member Gina Chiala due to her years advocating for a pardon of Leonard Peltier, the radical Indian-rights activist who was convicted of murdering two FBI agents. I’m sure they wouldn’t think that’s fair game — even though both have or held leadership postions — but they’ll play that way when it comes to the tea parties.”

“This report is as credible as the recently-discredited U.N. report on climate change,” added Project 21 fellow Deneen Borelli. “This is nothing more than a cynical attempt to mobilize support for their policies through fear. Even though Obama's policies are harmful to the black community, tragically, they seek to manufacture blind loyalty to the President by scaring them about the opposition. As a frequent speaker at tea party rallies nationwide, I know the movement has nothing to do with race and everything to do with toxic liberal policies.”

“As a black man, I scorn and resent this never-ending assault on the morals of all black people by the NAACP,” said Project 21 member Oscar Murdock, who took part in the Tea Party Express rally in Searchlight, Nevada. “In spite of being an organization that was correctly established to procure and preserve rights for a people to whom rights and dignity were being denied, the NAACP has descended into a group that is a disgrace to the humanity of the very people it was created to elevate. It is now only a bigoted and politically biased blight among organizations.”

Project 21, a leading voice of black conservatives since 1992, is sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research (

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Saturday, October 2

Black Men Have Exceeded KKK in Killing Other Black Men

Sad state of affairs to see so much finger-pointing--from Blacks--away from the problem Blacks bring upon themselves.  Sure can't say this is Bush's fault, now can you? TPM

An Open letter to Barack Obama and his friends

03-20-2008 Revised 03/21/08

Presidential Candidate Barack Obama, Reverend Doctor Jeremiah Wright, Reverend Doctor Jesse Jackson, Revered Doctor Alfred Sharpton, Doctor Malik Shabazz, et al.Cc: Reverend Doctor Warren Stewart, Reverend Jarod Maupin, NAACP, President George Bush, Editors of all publications, all mediaDear Sirs,I am greatly saddened by the current state of America, due to the internal strife you are causing to make a career for yourselves. The internal strife is as is we were in 1968 and earlier, and just beginning to fight racism.Thank you Reverend Doctors, and all, you who continue to start your day thanking God for a new one(!) then stepping out to achieve utter damage to humankind’s will and spirit. WHO ARE ANY OF YOU to prescribe who is not worthy of existing on this earth--and in the name of God?Just how mean and vulgar of a MAN are you men going to be? THIS is the legacy you want to leave, defining what Blacks contributed to America? THIS is the platform of what you endear as the "Black Church"?If you really believe you can crush the spirits of White Americans--especially males--thinking that one day you will awake and not have to see any person of any race for which you find disfavor… you are sadly challenged, and you will be greatly defeated.You scorn a current generation of white men who had NOTHING to do with what happened to our FOREFATHERS; who have pursued treating you like an equal, i.e. the goal of the non-racist America you purport to desire; While you raise a new generation of black men teaching them to continue harboring, festering, and lingering on a past for which they did NOT experience; and might never… diminishing EVERY effort and bit of blood shed by those same forefathers who fought for equality with sincerity.Then the media wants to provide "buzz words" and "talking points" to those who cannot think and speak for themselves. They want to tell you "White Americans fear…" what you are saying?! FEAR?Just how much do you think any man's heart and head can bear (!) when the media provides you a platform to spew your hate and venom and achieve the goal you set--to hurt, hate and continue to divide; while (attempting to ) leave White Americans appearing guilty of some sin, with no outlet who will allow them to speak their minds without recourse from YOU! FEAR?!It is not fear. It is disgust and disappointment. Disappointment in having stood up for their black friends and loved ones, against their mother's and father's, their grandparents, and even some of their own and expectedly “former” friend's wishes and ways of thinking. Because color was never a factor.Mr. Obama and Reverend Doctors, you have just tossed an entire generation of White American men aside, who stood in support of your historical cause; who found no fault in you; who weren't looking at your skin color first--as you obviously do when you awake every morning. The majority of current and future generation White Americans want to topple racism--only to find you men have decided to perpetuate its ugly legacy; then you smile in their face and enjoy the privilege of your "black" and other minority clubs and associations deemed acceptable by government and industry edicts of "diversity" and "inclusion" while their affiliations in majority white organizations is not condoned and even illegal.To the people: I can only hope that the strong minded of us -- of all races --no matter how few, will realize and remain cohesive in out goal of ensuring racial hate is NOT going to be a platform America stands on. It will be easy to become as ignorant and angry, mean and vulgar as these men who are so-called "championing human rights". Their career-minded goal is to achieve racial divide. We must defeat their divisiveness and refuse to perpetuate the hate, even as the small minority that we are; for all great accomplishments even the establishment of Christian faith is the result of the minority of men, women, and children who stood tall and strong and refused to be defeated.You men --all--owe your family members, your loved ones, your parishioners, your neighbors, this country, and all nations who watch us and listen to you, a huge apology; and a turn about in your thinking. Your intellect is overshadowed by a black cloud of hate. What power you would actually possess if you turned that hatred into overwhelming love for ALL HUMANKIND, as you must have been taught somewhere in your theological learnings.I pray that God will return to your hearts and heads, and provide you the courage to correct this disease you have perpetuated, institutionalized, and now suffer from. I pray that He will cure you of your ills, and motivate you to free the future generations from your imprisonment, and support men developing their own friendships and relationships; allow men to form their own conclusions and make their own judgments--individual to individual, man to man, as human-beings first... "...judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” (Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.)

Angela Peters

Liberals, Blacks, and the Media Deny Plain Truth.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Liberals, Blacks, devout Democrats, and the media continue to deny the truth about having selected Barack Obama as their candidate for President, no matter the facts put right in their face. The truth is, he is the wrong candidate, and many have chosen him just because he is black.It is an utter embarassment to see how many Blacks have such a lack of self-esteem that they choose Barack no matter his lack of credentials, no matter his openly racist positions--an institution the purport to oppose, no matter his tax-us-to-death policies--which they believe will not affect them; and, as if he is the last black man in America who could hold the position of President of this great country. With some polls showing upwards of 92 - 97% of Blacks voting for Barack, I am glad to be on of the "3%" who strongly states "I won't!"I stay surprised at the apologist whites, who brushed aside the warnings and voted-in Barack, a racist who plans to tax the upper and middle-classed--mostly white (per census records)--as his way of repaying blacks for the "sins of the fathers"; the old rhethoric people of his affliation have unjustly supported for too long. These apologists might want to turn a blind eye, but I base my belief on the "proud" relationship Barack tells us he has with Jeremiah Wright--a follower of James Cone--both who teach continued hatred for White America.What surprises me the most--being the same age as Barack Obama--is his suggestion through his memoirs that his life was a shattering trek through racial indifference and the suffering of persistent attacks against him by Whites; yet I recall experiencing nothing so traumatic having grown up in an overwhelmingly majority white, highly political populus of the country during the same time period he was growing up. Barack, Rev. Wright, and a whole host of other "minority leaders", and minority "celebrities" continue to slight, slander, and put-down current and new generations of Whites who had NOTHING to do with--nor feel inherently the same as their ancestors about--racial differences. Yet Barack is touted as the great reuniter? He is supposedly bringing "change"? Liberals and devout Democrats know that Barack has the most liberal voting record in the US Senate. They must expect that with electing Barack they will have a shoe-in to support their agenda of continuing to demoralize and somehow punish America by taking away God, sanctity of religion, respect for unborn children, and certain American family values--like freedom of choice, and the continuation of our second amendment rights. They must beleive that he will continue to fight against we Americans whose goals are to maintain education--not socialization--in schools, to encourage a competitive spirit, and to encourage success. They must know and be glad that Barack will make sure the world sees American pride being diminished, and that he will promote that we should be ashamed to have become the greatest country on this earth.There are so many other strong, Black, American leaders whom the Democrats could have "vetted" to become President of the United States of America. But these would be the blacks who have been ridiculed as being outside of the "typical" standard blacks have lately placed upon their so-called leaders. These would be blacks who suffered little or overcame any racial strife they may have faced; who didn't need government assistance to feed and house themselves or their family; who succeeded in the American corporate structure by way of their ability--as far as they could achieve with the barriers they might have faced--not because they were handed a victim's pass to the top.It hasn't helped for anyone to have helped bring Barack Obama this close to the Presidency of the United States. Any votes cast for him in order to "not appear racist" have helped re-generate one of the biggest racial divides since the 1960s, both within races and between races. But the biased media won't report the real stories being told around the water cooler...Blacks are threatening "all hell will break lose" if Barack loses. Is that some kind of threat? If so, it is one I have no fear of standing up against. Long before I vote in a candidate because of the color of their skin I will just not vote at all. And since I do not intend to let any man take away my right to vote, I think I'll remain part of that 3% who will vote based on "...the content..." of a man's character. I love America too much to base it on anything less.

"The Patriot"

No He Can't, by Anne Wortham

Fellow Americans,

Please know: I am black; I grew up in the segregated South. I did not vote for Barack Obama; I wrote in Ron Paul's name as my choice for president. Most importantly, I am not race conscious. I do not require a black president to know that I am a person of worth, and that life is worth living. I do not require a black president to love the ideal of America .

I cannot join you in your celebration. I feel no elation. There is no smile on my face. I am not jumping with joy. There are no tears of triumph in my eyes. For such emotions and behavior to come from me, I would have to deny all that I know about the requirements of human flourishing and survival - all that I know about the history of the United States of America , all that I know about American race relations, and all that I know about Barack Obama as a politician. I would have to deny the nature of the "change" that Obama asserts has come to America . Most importantly, I would have to abnegate my certain understanding that you have chosen to sprint down the road to serfdom that we have been on for over a century. I would have to pretend that individual liberty has no value for the success of a human life. I would have to evade your rejection of the slender reed of capitalism on which your success and mine depend. I would have to think it somehow rational that 94 percent of the 12 million blacks in this country voted for a man because he looks like them (that blacks are permitted to play the race card), and that they were joined by self-declared "progressive" whites who voted for him because he doesn't look like them. I would have to wipe my mind clean of all that I know about the kind of people who have advised and taught Barack Obama and will fill posts in his administration - political intellectuals like my former colleagues at the Harvard University 's Kennedy School of Government.

I would have to believe that "fairness" is the equivalent of justice. I would have to believe that man who asks me to "go forward in a new spirit of service, in a new service of sacrifice" is speaking in my interest. I would have to accept the premise of a man that economic prosperity comes from the "bottom up," and who arrogantly believes that he can will it into existence by the use of government force. I would have to admire a man who thinks the standard of living of the masses can be improved by destroying the most productive and the generators of wealth.

Finally, Americans, I would have to erase from my consciousness the scene of 125,000 screaming, crying, cheering people in Grant Park, Chicago irrationally chanting "Yes We Can!" Finally, I would have to wipe all memory of all the times I have heard politicians, pundits, journalists, editorialists, bloggers and intellectuals declare that capitalism is dead - and no one, including especially Alan Greenspan, objected to their assumption that the particular version of the anti-capitalistic mentality that they want to replace with their own version of anti-capitalism is anything remotely equivalent to capitalism.

So you have made history, Americans. You and your children have elected a black man to the office of the president of the United States , the wounded giant of the world. The battle between John Wayne and Jane Fonda is over - and that Fonda won. Eugene McCarthy and George McGovern must be very happy men. Jimmie Carter, too. And the Kennedys have at last gotten their Kennedy look-a-like. The self-righteous welfare statists in the suburbs can feel warm moments of satisfaction for having elected a black person. So, toast yourselves: 60s countercultural radicals, 80s yuppies and 90s bourgeois bohemians. Toast yourselves, Black America. Shout your glee Harvard, Princeton , Yale, Duke, Stanford, and Berkeley. You have elected not an individual who is qualified to be president, but a black man who, like the pragmatist Franklin Roosevelt, promises to - Do Something! You now have someone who has picked up the baton of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society. But you have also foolishly traded your freedom and mine - what little there is left - for the chance to feel good.

There is nothing in me that can share your happy obliviousness.